In the mystical realm of the ancient continent of Flood, where divine blessings echo, gods on the brink of demise and the impending closure of the heavenly gate set the stage for a tale that unites humans, elves, and dwarves in forging a new era. This is the backdrop for the official launch of 暗黑榮耀 (Dark Glory), an enthralling mobile game that promises an immersive experience on both Android and iOS platforms.
Unveiling the Continent’s Mysteries
Join the protagonist on an adventure that unveils pivotal moments in the continent’s history and brings to life the brilliance of mysterious legends. As the gods face their twilight, players become the chosen warriors tasked with gaining divine recognition through monster-slaying, thus becoming the leaders of a new era.
Game Features
1. Diverse Costumes and Easy Progression
Enjoy a plethora of out-of-print costumes with a super-high drop rate, making it easy for players to obtain rare items and equipment. The game offers convenient plug-in settings for automating tasks, ensuring a balanced gameplay experience without the need for excessive time commitment.
2. Character Customization and Varied Professions
Choose from a variety of professions, each with unique skills and abilities. The face-shaping system allows players to customize their character’s appearance, from hairstyle to accessories. The game also introduces exciting fashions and changeable appearances for a truly unique character creation experience.
3. Heroic Spirit Transformation
Witness a transformation into powerful heroes during battles, instantly boosting combat power and turning the tide of the fight. The game’s combat system is not only visually stunning but also strategically engaging.
4. Dragon’s Lair and Origin Dragon Awakening
Explore various development methods, including partners, equipment, mounts, and pets. The standout feature is the dragon shadow system, offering players the chance to delve into the dragon’s lair, discover treasures, and awaken the mighty origin dragon.
5. Panoramic PvP Experience
Immerse yourself in vivid graphics, unique copy systems, and exciting PvP gameplay. Engage in personal duels, cross-server lairs, gang wars, and wild leader competitions. The game offers a variety of PvP methods, delivering a blood-pumping and strategic combat experience.
6. Social Interaction and Pet Companionship
Two-person mounts enhance romantic interactions and social bonds. The marriage system allows players to find romance within the game, enriching the overall social experience and making the journey in the ancient continent of Flood even more engaging.
Download the game on Google Play – Available in TW, HK, MY, MO. Embark on your journey, unravel mysteries, and become a legend in the realm of Dark Glory!