HomeGameMastering Party Management in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth

Mastering Party Management in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth

In the realm of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, party management takes center stage as the cast expands to five members. Unlike its predecessor, where Cloud often traversed alone or with a select few, Rebirth introduces a dynamic party system that encourages players to experiment with different character combinations. This guide will walk you through the steps of changing your party and designating a party leader in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth.

The Importance of Party Diversity

While playing as Cloud brings its own thrill, neglecting the opportunity to diversify your party hinders your experience. In Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, combat versatility is key, and understanding how to manipulate your party composition adds depth to your strategic approach.

Changing Your Party

Changing your party members is a straightforward process. When out of combat, pause the game and navigate to the Combat Settings section. Press the Square button to access party editing. From here, select a current party member and replace them with one from the reserve list. This flexibility allows you to tailor your party to the challenges that lie ahead.

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(Image: Square Enix)

Selecting a Party Leader

The party leader is the character you control at the onset of a battle by default. However, Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth lets you customize this aspect as well. To change the party leader, access the Combat Settings section, and on the party editing screen, press the Triangle button. Choose one of your three current party members and designate them as the “Leader.” This ensures that when a battle commences, you take control of the chosen leader, offering a strategic advantage from the very start.


In Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, mastering party management is a pivotal aspect of your journey. Embrace the diversity of your party members and strategically select your leader to enhance your overall gaming experience. With these simple steps, you can seamlessly adapt your party to face the challenges that await in this reborn world of Final Fantasy 7.



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