Zombies Retreat Guide & Walkthrough

22 Min Read
zombies retreat guide & walkthrough

Zombies Retreat Guide & Walkthrough – Professor Cherry

Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Complete Seeds of Resolve quest Enter the cave (right side of the boss room) and turn the valve to remove the yellow plant
2 Professor Cherry’s Office Enter her office, read her notes on the computer, and leave
3 Natasha Serum Quest (Natasha walkthrough step 10) Complete Natasha serum quest
4 Home Base – Professor Cherry’s Lab Give the Serum to Professor Cherry, talk to her in her human form while you are partied up with Natasha


Zombies Retreat Guide & Walkthrough – Jessie

Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Complete Seeds of Resolve quest Craft an Antidote, go to the Lakeview area, locate the infected roots, enter Jessie’s camp (next to the sign with tent), examine the backpack east of the workbench (SAVE before choice), trade with Jessie for 5 of her items, so you can party up with her
2 Jessie’s Camp Talk to Jessie, go to the Freezer (cafeteria), hit the fuse box (top left of the room) with the brute club, clear the zombies, find hidden resources, and leave the freezer
3 Next Day – Jessie’s Camp Go to Jessie’s camp, clear the zombies
4 Jessie’s Camp Talk to Jessie, choose Medicine
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