The Genesis Order Walkthrough – V94011 (NEW!!!)

92 Min Read
the genesis order


Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Police Station Go to your desk > Then go left
2 Eve Cathedral Get inside > Go right
3 Gym x3 Chisel: Eve Cathedral (roof), Wikes Mansion (roof) & Farm (red building roof)
4 Eve Cathedral Break the underground wall
5 Gym Upstairs
Free Roam Police Station: Upstairs > Click on an object to the right and below the fountain to make it fall > Downstairs > Get the chest key
Free Roam Eve Cathedral underground: Get the locker key (shining item) and open the chest with the chest key for a page (Carol)
Free Roam Gym: Downstairs > x2 locker keys (front wall, colored stones) > Upstairs > Click on the lockers for Shinto Shrine Bell, Dumbbell, and unbreakable pick
Free Roam Eve Cathedral underground: Open the chest
Free Roam Buy everything (shop) and call Carol


The Genesis Order Walkthrough – v37081

Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Police Station Right (Melissa) > Wikes Mansion > Go upstairs (right stairs) and then downstairs > Open the chest with your lockpick (same room as the previous scene) > Go left and activate the gargoyle
2 Eve Cathedral Go underground (Enter, go left, 2nd room & downstairs) and get the blow torch
3 Farm Caves behind the farm > Open the chest > Use the torch with the TNT > Enter > Reach the blue item > Follow her
4 Heather’s house Pool
Free Roam Wikes Mansion: Get an old book from Wikes Mansion (same room as 1st scene)
Free Roam Strip Center: Man with exclamation mark > Make fire for him
Free Roam Farm: Fire the barrel near the red building to get the chest key
Free Roam Wikes Mansion: Upstairs Left > x2 left > Open the chest and get the page
Free Roam Call Nellie and buy everything (Pic & Outfit from the shop)


The Genesis Order Walkthrough – v39084

Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Wikes Mansion Talk to Erica inside > Forest > Up > Beehive (get Honey Comb) > Give honey to leper in Lilian’s kitchen (mansion)
2 Heather’s Home Get the toothbrush from the church (enter, go left > bathroom) > Strip Center
3 Wikes Mansion Talk to the policeman (Backyard) > Press on the barrel (backyard) to get essence of strength > Go right and find Kimberly near the entrance of the cave (get Wireless Transmitters)
4 Strip Center Inside the shop > Open the chest (top right) to get a dumbbell
5 Farm Up > Enter the left field > Find the chest key among the plants > In the left area of the field, there is another treasure
6 Wikes Mansion Open the chest (Kitchen) to get the page, and use Wireless Transmitter Locations:
– 1st: Enter > Front Door > Go left > upstairs
– 2nd: Craft seed of strength for +1 Strength > Kitchen > move the bottom barrel > enter the room > get the driver’s license and place the wireless
– 3rd: Enter the mansion > left stairs > go left x2
Free Roam Buy: Buy video (XX shop) and pinup (normal shop)
Free Roam Dock: Interact with the barrel



Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Shop Buy the Treasure detector > Farm > To the right of the house, outside (Hanna’s profile) > Go home
2 Farm Open the chest outside the farm to get the recipe Goat Dessert:
– Corn: Go up and get it from the field (right side)
– Barley: Strip Center > Grill > Buy it ($500)
– Oats: Get the hacksaw from the Farm > Barn > Top right; Get the Rubber Toe from the bathroom (Farm > Upstairs > middle door) > Fix the sink to get the closet key > Go to the food pantry (farm 1st floor), get the recipe and open the chest to get oats
– Soybeans: Lilian’s Kitchen (Wikes Mansion > Front door > Right stairs > Go right) > Right side
– Craft Goat Dessert > Farm > Up x2 > Save the goat > Go left
3 Shop Buy Rubber Wrap > Gym 1st floor > Open the chest to get Rubber Heel > Below where the goat was is the Rubber Sole > Use Angelcraft and craft Wading Shoes > Use the wading shoes on the trunk in the middle of the creek, where the goat escaped > Get the artifact segment
4 Enter the farm
Free Roam Warehouse: Open the chest
Free Roam Eve Cathedral: Judy’s room > Downstairs > Left path > Down > Open the chest > Jump in the water > Open the chest to get a new page (Lilian)
Free Roam Wikes Mansion: Another easy chest inside


The Genesis Order Walkthrough – v43092

Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Channel 4 Get inside > go to the shop > Strip Center > Grill > Strip Center > Shop
2 Farm Get the chest key half (to the right of the wooden cart, under the red shed) > Warehouse (get the package) > Strip center > Shop > Give her the package (to get Love potion)
3 Farm After the scene > Enter the farm main building > Get Carol’s profile (lower left corner) > Pantry (get the catnip) > Condos > Click on the cat to get 2nd chest half key > Shop > Buy Glue > Merge the keys
4 Farm Finally go to the Farm: Enter the Cave > Up x3 > Get the silver statue (lower right corner) > Go down x2, right, cross the river, up > Get the crate of bullets > Cross the river and open the chest (New page) > Get out and talk with the girls
5 Shop Buy the upgrade > Phone > Call Nellie


The Genesis Order Walkthrough – v45101

Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Andrea’s home Go inside > Channel 4 > Top Floor > Go right > Get the Wireless Transmitter > Get the chest key (lower right corner of the room) > Note the number above the mirror (124) > Leave the room > Right door > Get the key > Open the locker and get the crowbar and the transmitter battery > Interact with the piece of paper (code = 576)
2 Eve Cathedral Go inside > Follow the girls
3 Wikes Mansion Go inside > Front door > Right stairs > Apartments > Get the yellow flower (Acacia) from the waterfall (forest) > Give it to Erika > Enter the pantry and fix the transmitter > Note the number on a sack to the right (349)
4 Channel 4 Top Floor > Go right
5 Wikes Mansion Go inside > Front door > Right stairs > Interact with the wall under the dining table > Open the chest and get a Page > Also note the numbers on the wall (969)
6 Manholes Shop, Condos, Channel 4, Strip, Apartments > Interact to get a briefcase
7 Inventory Use all the codes on the briefcases: 124, 576, 349, 969, and 666
8 Shop Buy everything and call Kimberly



Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Shop Talk to the man outside > Forest > Up > Left > Get the Weed Killer Recipe
2 Eve Cathedral Heather’s home > Pool > Garden lower left corner > Get the Safe Key > Front Garden > Get the Glyphosate (upper left corner) > Strip center shop > Heather’s home > Upstairs > Get the profile (glowing thing left side) > Enter her room > Open the Safe
3 Farm Interact with the rock below Judy to get Dicamba > Get inside the farm > Get out and open the box to the right of the house > Take the upper path and open another box to get Mecoprop > Get a Basic container from the shop and make the recipe
4 Farm (Weed Killer) Dicamba: Rock below Judy
5 Farm (Weed Killer) Mecoprop: Upper Path
6 Heather’s house Glyphosate: Front garden upper left corner
7 Shop Basic Container: Buy from the shop
8 Farm Upper Path > Clean the weed and get the chest key > Forest > Up > Right > Clean the weed, open the chest, and get the new page (Judy) > Farm > Enter the red building > Open the grey box to get black pepper > Enter the main building and give it to Carol > Go downstairs
9 Call Judy Try the new page


The Genesis Order Walkthrough – v49111

Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Heather’s home > Upstairs > Right room > Right wall Get Chloe’s profile
2 Forest > Right Find the Mage Grip on the other side of the waterfall
Go back
Now take the left path
Find the Mage Handle in a bush
Go up
Clean the bushes
Go back and keep going left
Get the Antique key (Upper left corner of the backyard of the church)
3 Farm > Upstairs > Downstairs > Talk to Carol
4 Shop > Buy a Basic Container
5 Eve Cathedral > Go inside After the scenes, go left and upstairs
Go back
Go right and upstairs
Open the chest and get an old book
Go left into the hallway when he’s not looking
Talk to the priest
Go right
To the hallway
Click on the first bench and get the rat
Go to the backyard of the church
Interact with the bushes next to the church
Give the rat to the cat and get the chest key
6 Heather’s home (inside) > Farm > Eve Cathedral > Inside > Left > Left Room
7 Andrea’s home (inside) > Right > Go back and upstairs Open the secret door with the piano (CED)
Open the Chest and get the new page for Nellie



Step Location/Action Objective/Task
1 Strip center > Channel 4 > go to the upper floor > right > Appartments Open the lock (right) to get a note (1998)
2 Wikes Mansion Open the sewer (left) to get a saw blade
Interact with the bushes to the left of the door to get the recipe for Diamond Saw:
Rough Diamond:
Saw Handle:
Saw Blade:
Glue: Shop
3 Enter Wikes mansion > Activate the gargoyle > Interact with bushes to the right to get Saw Handle Find the Saw Blade, take the right path > Go upstairs (right) > Enter the pantry and get the Watchers’s eye > Place the eye in the eye socket of the gargoyle (dining room) > Go back to the main entrance
4 Strip center > Shop > Forest > Up > Left Get the Rough Diamond
Craft the Diamond Saw
Use it at Channel 4 (right side) to get a silver statue
Use it at Strip center (left side) to get a gold figurine
Warehouse > Get the dumbell (top left corner) and the chest key (lower left corner, left of the red container)
Wikes Mansion > Move the statue, open the chest for a new Melissa Page
Buy everything new in the shop and call Melissa
5 Strip center > Enter the Grill > Ella’s apartment > Upstairs Open the chest for a medium butt…
Downstairs > Open another chest with the note’s numbers (1998) for a small butt…
Interact with the bushes in the parking lot (right) to get Ella’s key fob
Click on the car to get a large butt… and bubble gum
Meet them inside again
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