Skarner’s Reworked Abilities Transform Him into a Teamfighting Powerhouse in League of Legends

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After winning the LoL 2022 VGU fan poll, Skarner receives a comprehensive Visual and Gameplay Update (VGU) in Patch 14.7. This overhaul redefines his abilities, playstyle, appearance, and lore within the world of Runeterra. From a “sad scorpion” to an Ixtali guardian, Skarner emerges as a menacing force on the Rift.

Skarner’s Reworked Abilities Overview:

The reworked Skarner boasts abilities tailored to his role as a protector of Ixtal and a disruptor in teamfights. Let’s explore his revamped kit:

Passive – Threads of Vibration:

Skarner’s attacks and abilities apply Quaking to enemies, dealing percentage Max HP damage over time to enemies with three stacks of Quaking.

Q – Shattered Earth/Upheaval:

Skarner’s next three attacks are empowered, with the third attack dealing significant bonus damage and slowing the target. He can also cast Upheaval as a projectile to damage and slow enemies.

W – Seismic Bastion:

Skarner gains a shield and releases a shockwave that damages and slows nearby enemies.

E – Ixtal’s Impact:

Skarner charges forward, ignoring terrain, and grabs the first enemy champion or large monster he collides with, damaging and stunning them if they collide with terrain.

R – Impale:

Skarner impales up to three enemy champions, damaging and suppressing them while gaining bonus movement speed. He carries them with him until the end of the effect.

Skarner’s Role in the Game:

With his reworked abilities, Skarner excels as a gank-heavy jungler, utilizing his E to surprise and isolate vulnerable targets. His ultimate, Impale, serves as a powerful teamfighting tool, allowing him to suppress multiple enemies and set up plays for his team.


Skarner’s VGU introduces a strategic and formidable addition to the League of Legends jungle roster. His reworked kit offers a unique combination of engage, crowd control, and damage, making him a valuable asset in team compositions. Players eagerly anticipate testing his revamped abilities when Patch 14.7 launches on April 2nd, although opponents may not relish the prospect of facing his perpetual stuns in teamfights.

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