Kim Kardashian Faces Backlash from Greenpeace for “Nipple Bra” Advertisement

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kim kardashian faces backlash from greenpeace for nipple bra

Greenpeace Criticizes Kim Kardashian’s Climate Change Ad

Environmental organization Greenpeace has strongly criticized Kim Kardashian for her recent advertisement promoting a bra from her clothing line SKIMS. The ad, featuring what Kardashian calls a “nipple bra,” has sparked controversy due to its use of climate change as a comedic element.

In the video posted on TikTok, Kardashian jokes about melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and shrinking ice sheets while showcasing the bra designed to create the appearance of erect nipples. Greenpeace condemned the ad, accusing Kardashian of making light of a serious issue affecting millions of lives and using the climate crisis as a profit-driven “punchline.”

Accusations of Greenwashing

kim kardashian faces backlash from greenpeace for nipple bra advertisement
kim kardashian faces backlash from greenpeace for nipple bra advertisement

Despite Kardashian’s pledge to donate 10% of the bra’s proceeds to One Percent for the Planet—an organization advocating for businesses to contribute 1% of their annual profits to environmental causes—Greenpeace argued that the brand was merely “co-opting” climate activism to sell lingerie. The organization labeled Kardashian’s promise as “alarmingly vague” and accused her of engaging in greenwashing—a deceptive practice of using misleading environmental claims to market a product.

Greenpeace’s Critique

Greenpeace expressed disappointment in Kardashian’s choice to promote a plastic product made from petrochemicals while using the language of climate activists. The organization emphasized the urgent need for influential figures like Kardashian to genuinely champion the fight against climate change and criticized her ad for perpetuating a profit-driven system that hinders meaningful climate action.

Public Outcry and Sarcasm

The public response to Kardashian’s ad has been mixed, with many echoing Greenpeace’s sentiments. Critics highlighted the sarcastic tone of the video and questioned the appropriateness of using the climate crisis as a punchline, especially considering Kardashian’s previous efforts to raise awareness about climate change.

Calls for Authentic Climate Advocacy

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Amid accusations of hypocrisy related to Kardashian’s family’s private jet use, Greenpeace urged global icons like Kardashian to focus on genuine climate advocacy rather than diverting attention through sarcastic marketing. The controversy raises questions about the responsibility of celebrities in leveraging environmental issues for commercial purposes and the importance of authentic climate activism in the public eye.

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